Monday, January 5, 2009


Just to let you guys know what I have in the works.

I have recently received a sample of SKINN brand lotion by Dimitri James. I'm going to be using this lotion religiously for at least 2 weeks. I'm going to mostly be using this on my heels, since this is the driest part of my body. I will be tracking the progress of this with pictures.

I also just purchased some of the CND Cuticle Eraser. And just to make things easier on me, I will be tracking the process of this for 2 weeks, the same time frame as the SKINN.

I will also be doing a post on the cool items I found on the Scrapbook isle of my local Michael's Craft Supply store. Seriously guys, this stuff is just as good as the stuff at nail supply stores but way, way cheaper!

Below is an example of some of the scrapbook jewels I found. They come on a sheet, and have a sticky backing to them.

(Pictures are from my old camera, this is what I wore for my sisters wedding)

Lastly, I have my 100th post right around the corner! So please stay tuned - I'm hoping to have my second Give Away to celebrate!

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