Friday, January 30, 2009


I love Konad and I don't care who knows either :)

My wonderful blogger buddy Pixie of Polish Pixie was so tired of hearing me make comments about her konad, and staring at her konad, even a little drooling over her konad, that she finally said enough is enough! She sent me my very konad so I would quit talking about hers all the time.

After my quick dazzle dry manicure I had so much extra time, I thought it was as good a time as any to pop my konad cherry! I am so pleased with the results! I did a couple of practice nails before I started my dazzle dry mani, so I had an idea of how to do it before I did the real thing. I only messed up one nail, my pinkie. Guess I got a little excited and couldn't wait a few minutes more before putting on my top coat - whoops!

Look up there! I even took a picture of my other hand so you all could see how easy konad is to use!

I forgot to look and see what plate I picked - sorry, my first time with the konad had me all shook up. But when I saw those little open dots on the top and bottom I new I needed to add a little sumpin sumpin - so I placed a gold, round sequin on each nail. So tell me, what do ya'll think about my konad skills?

NOTE TO PIXIE: rest assured, I will no longer harass your konad - I gots me my own now thanks to you :)

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