Friday, January 2, 2009


Well I got a new camera. I got the Canon PowerShot SX110 IS. I am so excited about this bad boy! Now I just need to figure out how to use this sucker. I tried to install the disc that came with the camera, but when I try to access the part I have to go to to download my pics from my camera to my computer a notice keeps coming up saying there was an error and it must close down - wtf??? I'm going to try to do this on my laptop at home tonight and see if I am getting the same message as my computer up here at work. (keeping fingers crossed I don't)

Anyone with this camera, or just anyone that could offer some advice I would really be great full!

In the meantime I have a few nail pics that I took with my old camera:
These first pics are just some fooling around I was doing trying to come up with some ideas for my sisters nails for the wedding. The blue background color on my nails was just the color I had on at the time, her nails would have been painted a color to go with her wedding colors or left neutral. The silver leafy designs were some scrapbook stickers I found at Michael's. Yes, scrapbook. I have found a new place to find cheap nail items, look no further than the scrapbook section of your craft supply store. I found jewels, stickers, pearls, all sorts of things that are so much cheaper than getting them from say, Sally's.

This next one was just some silver bouillons I used (these did come from Sally's)
After I did this design, I got a great idea for a wedding ring nail:
How cute is that? I loved this when I got done with it. I used two long, rectangle shaped jewels and placed them right next to each other, then used my silver bouillons to make the "band" of the ring.
These are just some red glitter tips I did using Color Club - Art of Seduction.

That's all I have for you now. Hopefully I will have some new, wonderful, in-focus, beautiful nail pics for you with my new camera later tonight, or in the morning.

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