Friday, January 2, 2009


Wow! I have some catching up to do!

This was a great one. My bf's son, who is 7, came and stayed the night with us on Christmas Eve, which was very exciting for my son, who is 6, to have another kid around on Christmas eve. We wrote our letters to Santa and everything. It was lots of fun seeing them believe in Santa! My son told my mom after Christmas, "Can you believe I was good enough to get an Xbox 360?" I love that little boy! :) I got some really cute "shoe" related items. I have a love for shoes like fingernail polish. I'm hoping to take a few pictures of my cute shoe stuff when I get my new camera figured out!

My sister has a few problems with her dress fitting correctly after the original fitting, but finally got it all worked out a few days before the wedding (thank goodness), my dress ended up having to be hemmed as well, which was a last minute thing too. David's Bridal you had me worried for a little bit there! My son was the ring bearer, and during rehearsals he RAN down the isle. I was so worried he was going to do that during the wedding, but he didn't. He did a great job. I'm hoping to be able to share some pics with guys really soon!
(p.s. I wore Essie Pama in case any one wondered :)

My mom, son, BF and I all spent it at home. I made Steak Fajita Nachos and cream cheese w/ crab stuffed, bacon wrapped jalapenos - whew that was a mouth full - literally (lol). I'm a Coors light fan, so that is what I rang in the new year with. We watched some of the new years eve shows, and a stunt show on ESPN that they were doing from Las Vegas. A guy wanted he truck to do a back flip and then another guy wanted to use a ramp with his motorcycle and land on a building 90+ feet up and then free fall off the same side and land on another ramp. I don't see how these guys have girlfriends - I don't think I could take watching my BF do any of those bone head ideas (no offense :)

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday(s)!

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