Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I know I have been gone for a loooong time, but all is well, I am back now!
My beloved Sooners lost to Florida and I have been in a depression (yes it's THAT serious) LOL. I don't know if the loss of the game had anything to do with it or not, but I just have not been in a nail polish mood. To let you know just how serious it has been, I am still wearing Misa - A Sin Worth Committing! I have had this polish on for almost a FULL WEEK! True I like the color, but not this much.
I do feel like I'm getting my nail polish mojo back. I KNOW it will be back if my stinkin Carolyn New York order will finally come in today. Which, why Carolyn NY do you send a shipment confirmation with no tracking number? And then to top it off not answer your phone or message that I left on the machine? Anyways - sorry for the time I have been away, but I promise to be back in full swing again by the end of the week.
I recently went to Michaels and picked up some things I will be trying out really soon and sharing the results with all of you lovely readers. I have a couple of things I plan on posting about today, so please check back.

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