Saturday, May 29, 2010

Are Expensive Nail Polishes Worth it ?

Im sure most people interested in nails have
heard of the nail polish brand - OPI.
OPI is one of the most expensive
nail polish and nail product brands out there but are
they really that much better ?
My answer is Yes !
OPI dries fast, goes on smooth and they
have a great variety of colors.
While China Glaze or other brands may
have more neon, bright or youthful colors OPI surely
has enough colors to choose from.

My China Glaze polishes have been annoying the
heck out of me lately. I only just started using CG
a couple months ago. These days I have been
in more of a rush to finish my nails instead of just
sitting watching tv while lounging around with
my wet nails. I have now noticed how they
take forever to set and I keep touching things
accidently & ruining the polish on a certain finger
even after waiting for 10 mins !
When using OPI this rarely happens.
I just apply my 2 thin coats and then Seche Vite.

Even when applying Seche Vite over China Glaze
I dont feel like my Seche works to its full capability.
Its just something about the China Glaze formula...
Why does it stay tacky so long ?!

Besides China Glaze and OPI I also enjoy Color Club,
Etude House & a couple other cheap Korean
nail polish brands. Another 'cheap' nail polish brand
that I cant stand is Revlon. Those take forever to dry as well.
Ive heard some bad stuff about Sally Hansen's polishes
too but I havent tried them.
Love her top coats though.

I do love China Glaze's color selection because they
are so bright and fun but they just
take too long to dry.
I adore Recycle, For Audrey, IV - colors that
I just cant find dups for in OPI.
By the way - have you noticed how OPI's
light - medium pink selection is so lacking ?
Other brands are really way ahead of
OPI when it comes to the pinks.
China Glaze truly has amazing unique colors
so its a shame their formula is so crappy !
If you have lots of China Glaze polishes and are
having this same problem, just buy Seche Vite
or Essie Good to go or some other type of
fast drying top coat.

If you cant find any - use a blow dryer on the
cool setting or just dunk your hands into a
basin of cold water.

Basically, OPI is great - totally worth the price.
You will get tons of applications out of that $8 , $10 or
whatever you pay in your area for OPI.
On the other hand - I do have lots
of other polishes that were under $5 &
come out just as well after using a proper base & top coat.
China Glaze comes out great in the end - that is if you
can avoid effing up your manicure.

Ultimately OPI + Seche Vite = Power Couple.

Experiment and see what works for you !

Friday, May 28, 2010


Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. Here is my mani:

Zoya Gaia for the base color, Orly - Royal Navy for the diagonal parts. Then I used a Stripe Right pen in Red Glitter to accent. I topped it all off with Klean Color - Chunky Silver. My ring finger has some star accents on it, but with the chunky silver it might be hard to see.


Here are my Zoya Exchange polishes I got, or at least the second half of them any way. One might be tempted to ask why did I get so many blue toned pinks that look alike and to that I must say SHHHHH! They are all pretty and different in their own rights! Just enjoy the pretty pictures!

You KNOW I HAD to get this one!


Had to go to Sally's last night because . . . . LOL Like I really need a reason to go, I just went! Anyway, I found a bunch of new nail art kits including the little fimo fruits! I have a SERIOUS banana pedi in the works coming up! Hope to work on it this weekend!

I had a 20% off my whole purchase coupon, and a gift card - needless to stay I made away like a bandit!


Ran out of time yesterday and didn't get these posted. These were my NOTD yesterday. Again, I just built up on my previous mani of Pelican Peak Purple and Cover Girl City Lights. I added a few konad stamps and was just loving this!