Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Oklahoma has been declared state of emergency due to an ice storm we had run through yesterday and cover us all in ice. So I'm home today - wooo hooo! However while walking from my car yesterday I slipped an fell - lol! And it wasn't just a quiet slip and fall, I was carrying my bag that contains my clear shoe box of untried nail polish, so when I fell - I FELL WITH A BOOM! RATTLE! SHAKE! lmao - the most important thing though - none of my bottles of polish broke! Shew---I had to check that out while I was still laid out on the sidewalk :) oh, yeah, I wasn't hurt either.

So since I am home today, I hope to maybe do some ice inspired nail art. Ohhh, I just had an idea for some Fire & Ice nails..........be sure to check back for those!

Not to worry about Dinky, she found a way to stay warm and I busted her "daddy" once again!!

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