Thursday, January 8, 2009


(Please click on picture to get a closer look)
While going through my stash last night to take advantage of the great trade-in offer from Zoya (if you don't know about this offer, please click here to be directed to e-polishblog where Katee filled us all in on it yesterday), I decided to snap a picture to share with you all. The big book is filled with nail art pictures, how-to's and other nail related info.
I keep my nail polish in shoe box containers I get from Dollar General for $1 each. They work out pretty good if you have them filled up. If you don't have that much polish in them, they do tend to slide around a little bit.
Right now I keep my nail polish together by Brand. How do you guys store & stash your nail polish? I would love to hear about this, you might give me some great ideas on how to keep mine :)
China Glaze - Qty 41
(My favorite, and my stash proves it. I had to use two boxes to contain this one.)
Orly - Qty 24
Sinful Colors - Qty 21 (Great colors & at such a great price!)
Color Club - Qty 13
Misa - Qty 12
OPI - Qty 8 (I don't like their bottles or their brushes)
(Note: Qty's listed above are just my bigger collections, it doesn't reflect my whole collection)

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