Friday, May 22, 2009


That's right ladies, I am putting my mom's nails in your hands :)

As I said earlier, I think we need to break her out of her brown/pink/gold slump she has been in. Above I have set up a poll, and this is how I want you to vote:

You must pick a total of (3) answers

1) Pick which plate you think I should use, see plates below. (I will pick the design)






2) Pick what base color I should use. (I will pick a coordinating stamp color)

3) What polish type, ie: glitter, neon, etc.

I am going to leave this poll up through the long holiday weekend, so get those votes in!! I will feature the winning mani combo next week.

ooooooh, and MOM if you are reading this, I'm letting the blog readers pick your next mani........surprise!!! :)
* * * * * * * * * *
Just wanted to wish you all a great weekend and Memorial day. Since I have a three day weekend, I have a lot of nail stuff planned.
- I got lots of new polish that I am looking forward to trying out, so I will have tons of swatches coming up.
- I will also be playing around with my Konad and using my "B" kit in hopes of inspiring any of you scragglers out there who haven't entered the OC Nail Art Contest (check for the link at the top of the page).
- Don't forget that Monday is the last day to enter to win your very own konad set, so if you haven't done it, what are waiting for? (The link for this is at the top of the page too.) The winner will be announced on Tuesday!!
I hope to get my creative juices flowing and have lots of good pics for you all.I will be back to my regular posting on Tuesday. See you all then.

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