Friday, May 22, 2009


Happy Friday ladies!!! Just wanted to share a couple of pics of what I wake up to in the mornings. The light pink is my pillow and the dark purple is another pillow, she mashes her self in that tight spot and then flips over on her back and konks out!!

Who wants to keeessssss that belllllleh???

And now for that Live, HOT Dinky action! Since I figured out how to use the video mode on my digital camera, I have been trying to capture Dinky's Rodeo Dog action for you guys. She only makes it around the table about four or five times before she quits and I have to rough her up a bit and then put her down before she will run around the table again. She is good for about 3 or 4 of these before she is pooped out. The little clip I have for you is the tail (hehehe) end of her last rodeo the other night, so right at the beginning (the first like 2 seconds of the clip) you see her running fast as her little legs will take her before she quits. And if you turn up the sound all you can hear is her loud panting she does while she is in mid-rodeo action. I am going to do my best this weekend to get a good video of her doing this, so until then I leave you with the RODEO DOG TEASER!!

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