Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Ok, so have I fully ingrained MAY 6th into every one's brain yet?? lol That's right ladies - I turn 32 years old today! I still can't believe I'm in my thirties!!

Anyway, I thought I would share some cake with you all..........uh, pictures of cake that is! One of my favorite sites I love to go to is Cake Wrecks. I was turned on to Cake Wrecks from the franken goddess Amanda at Dr. Frankenpolish. So here are a few of my fav. Cake Wrecks:

Love the placement of the beer can - at least it's Coors Light - my drink of choice :) Cheers!

LMAO!! Who would have ever thought of a cake made to look like a crack pipe!! This is for that special crack head in your life!

LOL!! Common sense people!

Vanessa this one is for you! This is Jose the Jalapeno on a Steeeck from Jeff Dunham since you are a fan!

Nixxy - this one is for you! Add this to your MWCILTRMND (Men Whose Chests I'd Like To Rake My Nails Down) series! Just think, when you got done, you would have a nice, sweet treat to lick out from under you nails!! YUMMY!

This is supposed to be Chewy from Star Wars! lol Something about this cake is just so cute! I like his little dangly legs!

Uh, yes, that IS a cake! I don't know what is worse, the fact it is a nose cake, or that is has stuff hanging out of the nostrils!

I just liked the three little pig butts! I would definitely be requesting a piece that had some pig butt on it :)

Uh, where is this child's mother and why does she have a Playboy cake for her 12th birthday??

This is really a cake! Can you believe that? I think this is the most amazing cake I have ever seen.

And here is Barbie's date! lmao

This last one was a cake that I had made for my little sister 2 yrs ago. I thought the bakers did a really good job with this!

I hope you all got full! Don't forget about all the contests and giveaway's I have going on right now in celebration of my Birth month! Happy B-day to all the May babies out there!

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