Friday, May 1, 2009


Busy day so far! I had a doctors appt this morning so I didn't get here to work until noon, so I am just now getting a chance to get on the Internet. I cancelled my wireless Internet card, so until I get Internet set up through my cable company, I don't have it at home. But as most of you know, I do 99.9% of posts here at work anyway (shhhhh!!!....don't tell anyone!).

Share some exciting news (hint: it involves free stuff for YOU!)
Respond to all emails and comments.
Catch up on all blogs.
Kitty - I didn't forget about you!! I will have a NBOTB post for you coming up :)

Till then - here a couple of my fav. youtube videos for you to watch!

Man do I miss Martin!!

The last one is my fav! The first time I watched this I really did have tears streaming down my face! And yes, I like to say "I like toitles" at inappropriate times now too!

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