Thursday, May 14, 2009


Last night I forced Dinky to get her nails did and wear awful dresses!! Of course I have lots of pics of the torture to show you.

Usually Dinky is pretty good about sitting still and letting me paint her nails, but last night she just wasn't really feelin' it. She was worming around more than usual and so I let her down before her nails had a really good chance to dry, so you will see some are smudged.

And if that wasn't bad enough, then I made her wear some dresses that she hates. I made both of these dresses for her and she just did not want to wear them last night. Most of her clothes she is ok with, but others it is obvious when either she doesn't like it or it isn't comfortable for her to wear. And it is painfully obvious in a couple of the pics - she just looks down right sad :) awwww! Now don't go feeling sorry for her yet, she got lots of good chicken when she was done, so all was forgotten as soon as she caught a whiff of her goodie!

One other little note, Dinky's eyes are always red in almost every pic I take of her, which I usually use the red eye removal tool on before I post the pics. However, I heard my son come out of his room and Dinky was waiting on him, and he turned around and ran back in screaming "Dinky has LASER eyes"! LMAO!! So I assumed Dinky was trying to shoot her laser eyes at me in an attempt in getting those darn dresses off! I left the LASER EYES in so you all could see them.


My girl just looks so sad here!

Party Dress Laser Eyes!!

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