Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last night I ran head first into a night of nail polishing. And it wasn't pretty - no sir! Everything I did, I either messed up, didn't like, didn't take my time, yada yada yada! I think I have hit a serious creative block here! It was like I was starving and nothing I ate was what I wanted. Hopefully tonight will be different, I certainly don't want another night like last night.

I ended up just painting my nails - yes, I just left them plain. I used one of my beloved TiNS - they always make me feel good.

I took a couple pics of some of the nails I did last night.
Do you all remember these Orly Satin Hues? You are supposed to leave them matte and not put a top coat on them. I love this purple - isn't it pretty? Of course we all know I put a top coat on this baby, but I snapped some pics of it before the top coat for all you matte lovers out there.

I used a purple foil to konad with. I liked this, but as you can see Dinky left a claw gouge in my middle nail.

These were the only pictures I took last night, but believe me I probably changed my nail polish 20 times last night.

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