Tuesday, May 5, 2009


What a dreary day here in the great state of Oklahoma. It's been raining for about a week and the forcast shows another week of it- booo! My mani I chose for today doesn't do much to brighten things up either. For the base I used Icing - Blackout. Blackout is a black creme that has lots of holo glitter in it. I was wow-ing over this color on Colette's blog My Simple Pleasures, and then I got home and realized that I had the same polish! SCORE! I then did a konad design from plate M16 of a butterfly, and I used Icing - Metalhead for the stamp polish. Metalhead worked pretty good to stamp with, but I think with the black background and glitter it is a little hard to see. The silver butterflies are more noticable in real life, they were hard to capture on camera. This is a really shiny mani too.

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