Thursday, May 7, 2009


I know I go on and on and on about the wonderful Kathleen of OC Nail Art - but she deserves every second of it! I was reading Wixbetty's blog WIXOLOGY (a fantastic NP blog, btw) and there was a post on none other than the wonderful Kathleen of OC Nail Art and her two beautiful daughters! It is truly a great read. Wixbetty was able to make it out to the Orange County Marketplace where OC Nail Art sets up a booth. Wixbetty was able to get quite a bit of information from Kathleen and has some really great pics out at the OC Marketplace too. I really encourage you all to find out about the wonderful lady that ships our konad orders to us.

WIXOLOGY - A day in the life of . . . . OC Nail Art


Also, I had a couple of questions about what was allowed for the OC Nail Art konad contest that I thought you all might find usefull. I have added this info to the main post too, which you can be directed to HERE.

1. Can I enter as many times as I want? Sure can!

2. Do I have to use the 3 colours that come with the set? She can use whatever colors she wants. You just have to use ONE THING from a B kit - one design or one color....

3. Do the designs have to be Konad only or can I add some bling? Absolutely add bling - the more the better!

Come on ladies!! I need you all to get your Konad B - kits and win this great prize for you AND for me!!! I will be featuring some konad designs using my B-kit in order to inspire you ladies to get motivated and WIN THIS THING!!

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