Monday, May 18, 2009


I have a plain jane NOTD for you all. I actually didn't do much with my nails over the weekend. This is what I did to them yesterday. I had intentions of adding a little konad to these babies, but Lifetime Movie Network got in the way.

This color was a little bit of a let down. The shade is so pretty - if you are in direct sunlight! If it isn't, the color takes on a dark, brown tone. blah - -

ooooohhhh, pretty right? too bad it doesn't always look like this - see below!

This is an accurate picture of this color. This is what this polish looks like 99% of the time. I look really good walking from my car to the house and from work to my car though . . . . . . FAIL!

Speaking of FAIL, no konad because I was busy watching the world premiere of Lifetime's Do You Know Me. I have been watching previews for this movie for about a month now, and it looked soooo good. What a big, fat let down!!! I like my Lifetime movies full of crazy, murderous people (crazy women killers make the best Lifetime movies). This movie had so much potential - A young woman is shocked to see herself on a milk carton as a "missing person" and decides to investigate. She soon finds herself on the run from both sides of the law. This movie went wrong on so many levels; it was not like the previews made it seem, too many characters were involved, tried to go for a big twist and failed, the only people that died were ones you didn't even really care about, it was just a big fail! Great concept poor execution imo!

I did see previews for another good movie coming up on June 21st - everything about this movies screams corny - right up my alley!! Get this, the name is called KILLER HAIR - lmao! I can hardly wait!! Here is what it says the movie is about:
Fashion reporter Lacey Smithsonian stumbles on the story of a hair-raising murder in Washington, D.C. and gets knocked off her high-heeled stride when her ex-boyfriend turns out to be the detective on the case. Believing you are what you wear, and that everything you wear is a fashion clue, Lacey uses her style-savvy sense to get to the bottom of the series of murders at her best girlfriend's hair salon. Based on a novel by Ellen Byerrum.
How totally stupid does this movie sound? At least I will go into this one expecting a dud :)

Did any of you catch Do You Know Me? What did you think about it?

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