Tuesday, May 19, 2009


After reading a really great tip on Dee'z Nail'z blog about using Vaseline to help keep your nail sides clean while painting, I thought I would do a post on what I do.

I read about this method some time ago and it is my absolute favorite way to clean up after a mani. I completely forgot where I found this tip at, so if it was your blog, please let me know!

Before I start though, I want to share a little tip about painting your nails. I used to make sure that nail polish covered every single little bit of my nail. When I started checking the nail blogs I found that all of the pictures I saw looked absolutely flawless! I couldn't figure out how come I couldn't get my nails to look that way when I painted them. I thought maybe they had some cool method for cleaning up their nails afterward that I was missing. So I tried to clean mine up, but they still looked messy. It finally dawned on me!! I don't have to paint ALL THE WAY up to my cuticles and ALL THE WAY over to the sides of my nails!!! The trick is to get AS CLOSE as you can without actually touching your cuticle or nail sides. It has made a 100% positive change in how my manis completed look.
The picture above demonstrates how I applied the nail polish as close as possible without touching the cuticles or sides.

Of course, accidents will happen and that is where this method of accident removal has been my saving grace.

You need Acetone, cotton & orange wood stick.

Pinch off a small amount of cotton.

Take the cotton and wrap it around the orange wood stick. You don't want this to be thick, remove some of the cotton if it is thick.

This is what it should look like.

Dip it into the acetone. I prefer pure acetone for very quick removal.

Touching only the skin, remove the nail polish mistake.

This is not only a very good way to remove mistakes, but it sure beats spending money on those pricey corrector pens.

Just remember, when using this method on darker nail polish or for lots of mistakes, you may need to change your cotton tip. This gets dirty and ends up just spreading the polish around. Removing the cotton tip here is also something you can't do with those corrector pens either!

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