Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Last night when I got home from work, Ricco (the BF) asked me to come over and look at his nails. When I did, I noticed that one was really shiny. So I asked him if he had used my buffer. He said "no", and when I asked how it got so shiny he said he had just been "rubbing" it - lol! Nice try, butterfly! Right then and there I was pretty sure I was getting some sort of a nail buffer for my b-day.

As usual, I got to the dining room table later that night to do my nails, when out comes Ricco and puts a bag on the table. He surprised me with an early B-day present. . . . . .a nail buffer! lol Actually it was more than just a buffer, but dang he is worse than my 6 yr old son at trying to keep gifts a secret.

This is my nail kit he got me:

It came with a buffing block, with four different sides. A lotion that he picked the scent of. A cuticle tool. Cuticle oil.

It claims to brighten and whiten the nails as well as shine them up. My nails did get a little bit whiter, so I was def. pleased with that.
Oh man I wish I could capture how shiny these things were! My nails looked like GLASS.

I love love love the applicator for this cuticle oil! I like the bottle shape too.
It is like a lip gloss applicator. The top of the bottle sort of squeezed out excess oil when pulling it out of the bottle. And with the cool applicator, it allowed me to put just enough oil ONLY where I wanted it. I didn't end up with oily fingers.
He got this from one of those kiosks in the mall, you know where they are always trying to get you to come over so they can use their treatments on you. That's where he got the one shiny nail from! Have any of you all tried this before?
This was a nice, very thoughtful gift - good job Ricco!

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