Thursday, October 1, 2009


Good morning all! Happy first day of October - I can officially start celebrating Halloween and not feel guilty about it :) So today I have Diamond Cosmetics Winter collection for you. I was going to try and get sunshine pics for you all but, I just couldn't wait! So hopefully I will get some of those this weekend, but for now take a look at the ones I did get.

SMOKEY ROSE - 3 coats
This is actually much lighter in color in person. I am hoping to get a more color accurate shot of it for you all real soon. The formula was really, really nice with this. I would say that 98% of the polish I get from Diamond Cosmetics is really nice, formula wise, with just an occasional bottle of one that is on the thick side.

I just LOVE colors like this! So bright and creamy and shiny. Diamond Cosmetics formula was perfect on this! You can see how nicely this applied.

Another one that is not color accurate! Part of the problem with this one is, is that it is a purple and those never photograph right for me. This is a dark plum colored purple. Gonna try and get a better pic of this one too. The formula on this one was a little thick, but nothing to hard to use.

This was the one that spoke to me from the start. Not only do I think the name is so fitting for this, but the color is just beautiful! This color was perfect in my opinion, I wouldn't change anything about it. LOVE IT!

As I have said before, Diamond Cosmetics is killing it! They have so much going for them

*Great, reliable formula
*Wonderful, personable customer service
*Great Product
*Keeping up with "the big guys" by coming out with collections
*Unbeatable price - $2.00 a bottle!!

What more could you ask for in a nail polish? OH, I know, how about some glitters and holo's??? Hey, a girl can ask, can't she???

These are supposed to be available today, October 1st. Their web designer is currently working on getting them on the website, so check the website soon :)

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