Thursday, October 22, 2009


The other day when I was doing my orange swatches I noticed that China Glaze Breakin and Sinful Colors Cloud 9 looked very similar in the bottles, so I did a little comparison swatch. As you will see, both of these look almost identical in the bottles, however Cloud 9 appears to be just a touch darker.

In these pictures below, you can see that both have the same yellow shimmer going throughout, which makes them appear very similar.

INDEX & MIDDLE - Breakin
RING & PINKY - Cloud 9

However, once on the nail you can see that while similar, they are in fact different and not exact dupes. The shimmer factor in Cloud 9 (ring & pinky) is much more pronounced. The shimmer is not only brighter and bigger, but much more noticeable too. This shocked me since Cloud 9 looked darker in the bottle pics.

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