Thursday, October 22, 2009


Those of you who guessed that the reason why I posted pics of Mrs. Roper the other day because that's who I was going as for Halloween - get yourself a cookie and a gold star because you are correct!! Take a gander at the totally Mrs. Roper approved getup below:

Hehehe, how ugly is this thing? This could have only been better if it was made out of a silky, flowing material AND if it would have had the really big bell bottom sleeves. However, for $6 - - - That'll do Donkey, that'll do!

Some gaudy rings I got.

These two are actually pretty cool!

Some clunky bracelets - how perfect do they match the caftan???

The earrings. Butterfly's were totally in in the 70's, right??

The necklaces, and if you look closely Dinky is getting a closer look at them.

She is still checking them out - such a nosey little thang!

The closest I could come to a wig was a Lucile Ball one. It isn't perfect, but I'm going to see if I can make it work. And I already checked - red is definitely NOT my color, at all...........AT ALL!!! lol

My sister and her husband are throwing a huge Halloween costume party this weekend at their house and obviously this is my costume. So what are your plans for Halloween? What are you going as?

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