Thursday, September 10, 2009


Wheeew! It's been "a week" so far, at least for me. My mom went out of town this week and she normally takes and picks up my son from school. When I get him, his homework and things of that nature are done. Since he has been going to a new place this week his homework gets done after I get him. So needless to say, more of my time at night has been taken up and I don't have as much time to spend on nail polishing as I normally do.

She will be gone for three weeks, so it might be another couple of weeks before I am back to my regular posting. I am planning to do alot of nail stuff this weekend to carry me through the next week, but my son's first sleepover is this weekend, so we will see how much extra time I actually have.

Just wanted to let you all know what was going on an why I haven't been posting like I normally do. I have a really short day tomorrow, so I don't know if I will be able to post then or not.

Stick with me though girls, I will be back in action before you know it :)

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