Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I guess I was needing a little bright light neon in my life, so I decided on Misa's blindingly neon pink Sandals, Flip Flop and Hip Hop (great name!). I love Misa's nail polish for several reasons - the colors, the formula and the square bottles. Today has been our first day of fall weather, with it actually being chilly this morning!! SO what better than a bright neon pink to really stand out against all the dark blues and grays of the day :)

I added a couple nail art stickers since I wanted to jazz it up a bit but didn't feel like wagging out all my konad stuff last night.

(This color really changes in flash and regular day light shots, but it is in real life a neon, orangey pink color - a combo of what you see in both shots!)

I loved the last shot, I think it really shows just how neon this polish is with the black back ground.

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