Tuesday, September 29, 2009


My baby girl Dinky (aka the REAL star of this blog, lol) got her Halloween Mani on last night. She is always so good about getting her nails done, of course getting ham afterward has something to do with it, I'm sure. To match her nails, she is wearing her Halloween glow in the dark shirt.

This is her bed I put by the table where I do my nails. She loves to come lay down in her bed while I do nails. Even when I have someone over and I am doing their nails she just loves to be part of it.

She decided on Orly - Orange Punch for the base and a Color Club black for the tips.

A close up of her Halloween shirt.

Last night I didn't get many pictures, so I decided to take a few more this morning. Needless to say Dinky isn't a morning person!!

I believe the expression on her face lets you KNOW she isn't a morning person!! What can I say, I love my girl and she loves her nails :)

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