Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Since I didn't luck out and get the holo version of OPI's My Private jet, I thought I would make my own! I also decided the Russian Navy needed a little glittah glittah too. I used Fantasy Makers Confetti Glitter that was purchased from my local Walgreens.

oooooohhhhh!! aaaaaahhhhhh!

It looks sort of lumpy in the pics, but it wasn't on the nail. I really liked how this turned out. If you enlarge the pics you will see it glitter and wink at you like it's supposed to :)

The glitter really lightened the base color up, didn't it?

Again, it looks lumpy but isn't. This was really pretty and needs to be enlarge to really show it off.

Would love any help with names for these, I would like to play off their original names - so leave me your guess in the comments section!

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