Friday, September 4, 2009


Nope, not Christmas time......................HALLOWEEN time! I'm a nut for Halloween, I just love everything about it. I was planning on trying to have a Halloween themed nail art competition but there are about 100 other contests going on right now, so the plans for that might be put on hold, unfortunately.

I did want to share some awesome Halloween candy with you all I just picked up at my local Walgreens. I plan on giving these to my son, but they were too awesome not to share with my fellow Halloween lovers.

First up, check out this bag of blood!! It has a rope that he can wear this around his neck with. Can you imagine.....?

Looks pretty real, huh? I already know that my mom is totally grossing out over this right now, hehehe I love it!!

Check the "straw" at the end where he drinks it from!! I will have pictures of him with this in mid sip for you all after I give it to him.
Then I got a big, huge gummy tentacle!! How nasty is this! I'm loving it!! They had a huge worm and millipede too. I couldn't resist the little suction cups that the Tentacle had to offer though.

Have you all found any cool halloween candy yet?

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