Thursday, September 24, 2009


Regal sounding name for my NOTD, eh? NICOLE just had to go and show China Glaze - Cleopatra on her blog the other day. I had passed it by the first time, but after seeing it on her blog, I just knew I needed to have it in my glitter arsenal. Boy am I glad I got it too! Look at how pretty this baby is! Don't you just love those purple blue looking twinkles of glitter? I do.

Last night I just had my base coat, glitter tips and red pin stripe line. I thought it looked unfinished, but I couldn't think of anything that would go with the red and gold I used that wouldn't look too Christmasey. Then last night in bed it hit me! So this morning I stamped my nails before work, and yes this is an addiction! Anything that requires me to do anything other than get ready in the morning doesn't bode well, except nail polish I guess :)

I really, really love this mani for some reason! I keep looking down at my nails and exclaiming what a good job I did, and Oh, damn, this looks good, you know things along that nature. Ha Ha , I even made my son come in and tell me something nice about my nails, I told him it was part of his homework, lol. I took a TON of pics since I just love this one so much :)

And the best prop of the day - Oliver's hand!!

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