Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I just got word from Kathleen at OC NAIL ART that she will now offer a bigger discount for those using my special discount code of "GETCHA".

MY code is now worth 30% off your entire order, instead of the original 20%!!

Here is what Kathleen says:

Good morning!!

In direct response to competitor's codes, effective immediately your personalized coupon code is now worth a 30% discount to your readers! As always, we offer free shipping on orders over $20 (after discounts are applied) everywhere - even internationally!

I appreciate your continued support - offering this increased code to you and your readers is the least I could do. If you need anything, just ask.

Also - we have 5 new kits in the online store - 3 sponge nail art kits and 2 smaller kits that your beginning Konaders may find more affordable!

Thank you so much,
Kathleen Highland

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