Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Yes, as most of you saw, I DID get the new Orly Prince Charming. I was really worried I wasn't going to like it, since I wasn't a fan of You Don't Know Jacques. So my original plan last night was just to swatch it. Plans changed after I put it on, I really liked it! So I decided to paint the rest of my nails with it and keep it for my NOTD.

I am curious why they decided on the name Prince Charming for a brown though. I think of deep, rich colors when I think of royalty - but any way. This is such a nice color, I really wanted to do some gold accents on it, but I really wasn't up to it after I got done doing my sister's nails and mine. I might add something to it tonight for a post tomorrow.

As a side note: Kae and Helen, please refrain from wanting to stick my fingers in your mouth- it only LOOKS like chocolate!! :)

Did Little get into my nail polish???????

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