Thursday, July 30, 2009


This is my NOTD, which is also the same color that Dinky is rocking on her tips too. This is Orangu An A-Lister by Superstar Nail Lacquer. This color changes tones in different lighting, but it ALWAYS stays bright! Which is of course one of the things that I just love about it. It looks orange in some lights and pink in others, but it always has a slight blue/purple flash to it. It is a very cool color for sure. I have had problems with Superstar Nail Lacquer chipping really bad in the past, however, on my fake nails it has been chip free! This stuff has been great, so I hope when I get home Dinky still has some left on her tips and it hasn't chipped all off!

Using the Flash really made the orange tones come out. Since it looked more like the pink color in the office, I did most of the pictures showing the pink color of this polish.

I'm keeping my eye on you!

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