Monday, July 13, 2009


Today I have for my NOTD, a new Savvy polish I picked up at Sally's over the weekend. I originally just went into Sally's to get a new bottle of Sech top coat, but when I saw the stickers that said Sally's Choice - Hot Shade - I had to go in for a closer look. I only have a few Savvy's, but this line of nail polish really isn't to bad. They have some good colors, the selection just isn't very wide though. These have always applied pretty good for me, but like I said, my Savvy collection is nothing to brag about. I don't know if this is a New color, or just one that got a coveted "sally's Choice" sticker, but I don't recall ever seeing it. If it IS an older color, than I would think adding little stickers is a great selling point - take note nail polish companies---- :)

I really like dark blue, I think it really goes great with my skin tone. Plus it is a lot more interesting than just a black

Thanks for the pretty ring NIXXY!!!

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