Monday, July 13, 2009


LOVE this movie! If you havn't seen it, you should!

My Fourth of July was super busy! My BF's family always does a big picnic/bbq for the holiday and this year it was up to my bf and one of his sister's to get all the plans made and carried out. I had a full day of helping with prep work Friday night - including putting on two full sets of nails for a couple of his family members. We didn't get home until 1:30 in the morning and then we were up at 5:30 the next morning. Ricco had to set about getting the cooking started, he had several slabs of ribs to smoke, not to mention all the burgers and chicken he had to cook after the ribs smoked.

There was lots for the little ones to do since we did this at the park - and all were smiles

Check the side eye my son was giving Jordan during his!

The smiles didn't last long though - my son flipped out of a swing and used his face to land with, lol! I was actually pretty worried when it first happened, his little mouth was full of blood and I couldn't tell if he knocked any teeth out. Luckily he didn't, but he did have a big fat lip and scratched up face for the next two days.
Ahhhh, nothing like a nice cold Coors light after a day of sweating it out at the park!

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