Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Red Ginger Flower Nail Art/ Guest Post on Midnight Manicures

Hey guys!

Today I am the guest poster on Midnight Manicures, so you can click here to see the post I did there.! Here is a sneak peek ;) If you like, you can leave me a comment there and let me know what you think. You can leave a comment here too, if you like :)

By the way, I have mostly recovered from my stomach virus, so you can expect that I'll be slowly going back to my old update schedule. Sorry that I've been so MIA lately!

 This is also my first nail art using acrylic paints instead of nail polish! I was really happy with them, they're so much easier to control, and they dry faster :) I went polish shopping the other day, so also expect some interesting swatches. If you'd like to see the full set of photos I took of my nails, check out my tumblr: http://bookwormnails.tumblr.com/ I always upload all of my pictures there :)

Thank you for reading :D


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