Saturday, July 2, 2011

China Glaze Up All Night

Happy Fourth of July everyone :D

Today I have China Glaze's Up All Night. I used one coat because indoors I couldn't see my nail lines. In my pictures you can see my nail lines on one finger, though, because of the direct sunlight.

If you enlarge the photos you can see that Up All Night has little flecks of lighter blur shimmer, which makes this navy polish different and really pretty.


 I though this polish paired nicely with a dress I got last Christmas. It's from the 80s, and though you maybe can't see it in the photo, the top third of the dress is a different color (each third is a different color).

This color is really pretty! It looks super dark in the bottle, but it's not that dark on the nail. Have you tried this color? Okay, hope everyone has a great Fourth of July weekend :)


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