Friday, July 22, 2011

2NE1 TV + Update

So happy 2NE1 TV is back !

I love those girls : )

Did you guys watch ? What do you think of their new songs...

'Lonely' is nice but I dont know how I feel about
"Im the best" & "I hate you"
Although the songs are different...they all have
that repetitive quality to them.
Something about them made me tired of them quick...
Especially the chorus parts of both...
Mianheyo Teddy Oppa !
Lol ...

Anyways, Yeah. Now that I have officially 'quit' my job,

Im super excited about London !

Im going to be working up until I go but yeah.

The end is near lol !

I have my tiny overpriced studio apartment

waiting for me and everything is good to go.

In other random news Im now reading

'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'

Amazing true story of a lady whose

cancerous cells were taken without asking...

They duplicated over and over and still

havent died...Its been decades since

the actual lady died but her cells

are still alive in labs all around the world.

They have been sent into space

to see what would happen to human

cells there & they helped determine that HPV

leads to cervical cancer. Thats just

a tiny percentage of what studying her

cells did for science. But the children

she left behind couldnt even afford

medical care ! Meanwhile, people

were selling their mothers cells

and it was a huge business.

They found out 20+ yrs later and

a reporter wrote a story about the cells

as well as the lady - Henrietta Lacks.

Pretty interesting stuff.

Anyway, its the middle/ end of July

and I still havent been swimming.

The water is gorgeous and aqua

but I just havent been yet.

I will film some clips for you guys

to show you what it looks like

at the beach here ! You will

die ... its so nice lol !

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