Thursday, June 9, 2011

Intro+ NARS Ecume Review, Swatch

Hello world! I decided to make a blog so I can document what I do with my nails, techniques I try, colors I buy, etc. I hope anyone who comes by (like you, reading this right now) enjoys my pictures and ideas :D

To start with, I bought NARS Summer 2011 color Ecume a few days ago. I was attracted to the color because I thought it was a smart take on the neutrals trend this summer. It's like ultra neutral, to the point of having zero color haha.White nails also always look good tan skin as well, in my opinion.

Note: You can click on the pictures to see them larger

This is two coats of Ecume. It was super opaque, and I had no visible nail lines after the second coat :)

I love this white creme polish. The application was really smooth, but I will say that for some odd reason it dried really quickly on my nail, so you have to apply it fast. But when it dried it was super shiny and hard (maybe the shine explains how quickly it dried). The shiny finish was my favorite aspect of this polish. The picture above is without top coat!

One more picture in natural light, starring the mango I plan to eat :DD

 That's all for now, but I have lots of ideas in my head for future nail art posts. I just wanted to show what my nails looked like today :)

If you read this and liked it, please check back! I made a Facebook and Twitter for my blog (I don't have either one in real life so it was fun to have an excuse to sign up and see what they're all about O-O), so you can add or follow me by clicking on the little buttons. If you like, you could also add me through Google Friend Connect :O

Keep your eyes peeled for more :D Thanks for reading~


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