Thursday, June 30, 2011

Debbie Downers

You guys might have heard
the phrase 'You are the average of the
people you hang around' 
The people you spend the most
time with, are the ones you are most
likely to be influenced by. This
can be a positive thing or a negative

In my life atm, many people I know
do nothing but complain. 
They are depressed all the time
Nothing ever goes their way.
But, as I was telling my friend the other day
most times these things are their own fault. 
If you think about the times that you
failed in life in whatever way...usually
the beginning, if you think back
was because you didnt go about
it properly. Maybe you didnt study during the
school year, maybe you did bad stuff, 
maybe you just have the wrong attitude.

If you are the complainer - maybe look
at the things you are complaining about
all the time, and figure out how to resolve 
them because clearly you arent happy !

A popular thing among my high school
friends was to go to third world countries to help
build schools and to do other various tasks.
I think these friends that complain need to do 
these sorts of things, to get a different 
perspective on life.

I hope to find some uplifting young people
when I move. There are so many 
people in the world that just dont know
how lucky they are ! Its such a luxury
to be 'bored' & complaining all the time.

: )

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