Sunday, June 26, 2011

fix YOU

As you might know by now I am reading
'Write it down, Make it happen'
Its a really interesting book especially
how she recommends you to visualize yourself
doing things ... before you actually do.
This helps you to prepare yourself and
get in the mindset, so that you can
reach your goals. I am someone who
when overwhelmed, I procrastinate.
I dont want to do that anymore !
I have been writing various journal
entries, sweeping out the cobwebs
of each corner of my subconscious.
I am trying to talk myself into being
a better person basically. I now know why
I procrastinate when it comes to school work.
So, Im working out ways to prevent those
reasons from being an issue.
Mainly the reasons are not fully
understanding the task,
not knowing how to do the task,
not wanting to do the task.
If I get more clarification when needed,
if I research more and if I just get
all the tedious tasks over with quickly,
I can focus on the more enjoyable work.

In the book, someone even wrote to
their unborn baby and future husband
though they didnt know who it would be.
Writing things down, imagining how you
want to be...helps a lot. It takes the
anxiety out of everything and helps
you to uncover what you really want
when previously you didnt even know...

Writing things down brings all that is in your
subconscious over to your conscious mind...
so that you can find out why you do the things
you do and you can change accordingly.
Thinking things is one thing, but when you
physically write becomes concrete and
you can go back and read it over and over.

Have you ever noticed how writing lists
and crossing things off feels much better than
just typing it on a computer. You tend to
remember stuff more when you
actually write it manually.
For me one major distraction is the internet.
Im planning to only take notebooks
and pencils to class to write notes. This will
help me with one of my biggest
difficulties - focusing.
Little by little I am uncovering my difficulties
and coming up with a solution.

I will share what I have come up with.

My Challenges:

Self-Discipline / Procrastination

So then I should:

  • Do things right away
  • Write down everything in my planner
  • Don't take laptop to class
  • Pay attention to deadlines
  • Listen / Bring voice recorder

P.S to Self - You must stop being so bloody addicted
to facebook and youtube !

Thats a big one...

The library is directly across from my new
apartment which Im moving into in September
so I will utilize that to the max.
Hopefully that will help me to seperate
my school stress from my home life. Blehhh : )

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