Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Been meaning to post these pics since Monday and I am finally getting around to it. It is just a few pics from over the Halloween weekend I thought you might enjoy looking at :)

Jordan (Ricco's son) was here for the weekend. He said he had never sewed anything before so we set about making a teddy bear. For his first time using a sewing machine, I think he killed it! The cape and mask were added later :)

Dinky was just SURE that this was a toy for HER! An yes, that is a cape! I made a cape for her since I had some extra black material I cut from a cape. I added the glitter to it and voila! Dinky is now a super hero!!

Jordan also got to carve a pumpkin and his dad helped.

Does it get much gangsta than this???

Dinky crashed out after going trick or treating.

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