Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Last night I swatched some new Essie's I got. Two of the colors are from the LE Winter Collection and two are from the Fall Collection. Essie has always just been a so-so brand for me and I own very few. None of these made me wish that I had more Essie in my life. I found the colors to be just alright and the formula not good. Lets take them one at a time and I am starting with my least favorite and will end with the one I liked the most.

Cute name. I liked the color, but I thought the formula was not so good, which is why this landed at the bottom of my faves. I had to apply three coats and even then I could still see little bald streak marks. I really don't mind three coats, but when I HAVE to apply at least four that is pushing it in my book.

I'm sure most of you gasped that this was second to the bottom but it is. The main reason - this is not a green and I wouldn't even call it a mint green. This is blue, Tiffany's blue! For Essie to step out of the box and produce some brighter colors I commend them on, but don't piss on my shoe and tell me it's raining - this isn't green, it's blue, plain and simple. I know it might sound a little harsh, but I have a ton of baby blues and wouldn't have gotten this one if I thought it was going to be blue. I wanted green, MINT GREEN. I'm tempted to do a few comparison swatches with some light greens and baby blues that I have at home. Also, the formula was only a hair better with this one, requiring (YES, requiring) three coats. The swatch below is only two and you can see that it really needed a third one.

A hot pink, of course I am going to like this one, right? The formula was along the same lines as Mint Candy Apple, in that three coats is a must. But at least there was no mistaking that this was a pink, a pink parka to be exact. The picture I think shows this a tad brighter than it is in real life, but not by much.

Never when I got these four polishes did I think this one would be my favorite of the bunch, but it is. There is just something about this shade of red that talks to me. I fell like my hands look so elegant with this on. I would even go so far as to say that this is a semi-jelly polish, it has that sort of see-through look to it that jelly's tend to have. This does get that really worn look to it after less than a day's worth of wear though, like it needs another top coat applied to it.

All in all, I would say unless you are one that just has to have all the LE's or new collections when they come out, pass on these if you have a similar color already. There isn't anything special or unique about any of the four that I have shown you. However you can purchase these through Essie for $8.00 each (cough!) or get for $3.80 each through Transdesign.

I would love to hear your feed back on what you thought of any of these colors. Anyone else find that Mint Candy Apple turned out to be just a Tiffany blue??

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