Monday, May 2, 2011

Purple Floral Lacey Look!

Herro eberybody! :)

Didn't know what kind of design I should do today so I decided to use my konad plate! It's been a while since I've used it. When ya don't know what design to do, just pick one from konad! Yayyy! haha. This design is floral but it kind of has a lacey feel to it, don't cha think? What do you think?

Alrighty, enough with the chit chat and on with the pictures! :D

Purple-A-Licious by Icing
Konad M71
Pink Chrome by Sally Hansen Color Quick

Base Color - Purple-A-Licious by Icing
Konad Plate M71
Design - Pink Chrome by Sally Hansen Color Quick

P.S. The Sally Hansen Color Quick polishes are PERFECT for konad! :D Preferably the Chrome ones :)

I really wish that I could afford a DLSR but my Canon SD780 will have to do for now. But here are some nicer pictures taken by my cousin :)

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