Monday, July 26, 2010


These are my first Eyeko's!! I have seen these on other blogs and I'm so excited that I got the chance to review them.

Here is what I love about these polishes, I love the individual labels! How cute is that? They each have their own little decorated label with a matching theme to the color of the polish. I am a sucker for cute details like that! I also love that these polishes - all of them - were opaque in two coats (minus the one that is made for french nails, which obviously that one isn't supposed to be opaque). I also love the colors, very cool colors and all ones that I would wear.

The only complaint I have is that the bristles of the brush were a bit long for my taste. I prefer a shorter brush length, but it wasn't anything that would prevent me from getting any more in the future.

Lets take a look at the swatches:

SAUCY POLISH - For naughty nails:
This is the perfect red polish, bright, cheery, and opaque in two coats!

RAIN POLISH - For city nails:
A muted grayish blue polish with micro silver shimmer. I was surprised how much I really liked this color on, it looked really good on me and I love the shimmer.

PETITE POLISH - For french nails:
A sweet pink jelly polish. I love polishes like this that make my natural nails look better than they are. Some pink french polishes have a tendency to make the white part of my nails look yellow, this brightened them up and make them look like I had naturally gorgeous natural nails!

POSH POLISH - For ladylike nails:
LOVE IT! This looked great on me!! These colors will tend to bring out the red in my hands and this one didn't - instantly moves to the winners column! LOVE IT!! GET IT!!!

TEA ROSE POLISH - For country nails:
This color falls under the "mature" column for me, but I couldn't deny that I actually liked this color on! I need to jazz it up with some nail art or konad to take away the old lady look of this one.

CORAL POLISH - For resort nails:
In LOVE!! I can't resist the bright shade of this polish! Perfect summer, bright color without going the neon route.

VAMPIRA POLISH - For gothic nails:
Dark, vampy glitter - yummy! If it's glitter it's a winner! Hey - that could be my new slogan folks! See, this polish is inspiring me already :) The best thing about this is that the red glitter isn't hidden by the darkness of the polish, it is still very visible. Perfection!

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