Wednesday, July 28, 2010


WOOOOT! Damn am I glad I got these. I love 'em, all of them! I was impressed with the polishes formula wise, brush wise . . . not so much. I also liked the price tag of $4 too!

These really have nice, pigmented formulas only needing 2 coats. The colors are bright and vibrant and I really like them. If only they would step up their brush game! These brushes are total trash! The ends of the brush are uneven and totally flared out in all different directions. It is really hard to polish your nails with them. They are kind of stiff too and will have a tendency to want to "rake" off the polish instead of brush it on, so you have to be careful and really load up the brush with polish to avoid it.

These polishes never have names, which irks me. And I like the hearts on the two bottles with glitter, but I wish it said Betty Boop on their somewhere so a year from now I will remember that they belonged to the Betty Boop collection.

This is a bright, almost coral type red. Two coats is all it took. The wonky brush is to blame for the little mess ups, but I left them to show you all the full on hell that the brushes wreak.

Instant love! A bright pink polish with silver glitter - I believe I will!! I had to wear this one for my NOTD. Even Essie Ruby Slippers couldn't drag me away from this one. Even though the concept is simple, a pink polish with silver glitter, I don't have another one like it!

This one is a magenta, deeper colored pink. Two coats used for this one too. I like the color of this one, it is actually a tad bit darker than shown below. It sort of had a little hint of like a mulberry tone to it.

I'm in love all over again! A light to medium purple with silver glitter. Don't have another like it in my collection.

Now for the most awesome black polish I have ever used. Yes, I said EVER. Take a long look ladies - that is ONE COAT w/ NO TOP COAT!!!!!! How freakin sick does that polish look for only one coat???? I'm thinking this would be an awesome black polish for konading. Again, you can see the results of the crappy brush. Normally I don't like to just wear black polish, I want something else on it. Something about this shade of black was super flattering to my skin tone and it looked awesome on me. I love this polish and even with two glitters in this collection THIS ONE is boss!! Who would have ever thought I would pick a black creme over a bright glitter polish........not me!

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