Sunday, June 14, 2009

How to prevent/get rid of yellow nails

First - We have to examine what makes nails go yellow

Its either one or a combination of the following things:

-Using a dark colored nail polish often esp with no basecoat

-Vitamin Deficiency (try some iron or zinc tablets)
-Fungal Infection (they will look thickened and crumbly)
-Liver Problem

So, If its not a medical problem
The following instructions will tell you the best way to brighten your nails.

If you think you might have a medical condition
such as something wrong with your liver, please go to
the doctor.Your nails are a very good way to measure
your bodily health.

1) Go to the pharmacy and buy some denture tablets
specifically for making teeth whiter

Now take a bowl of warm water put in a couple tablets
and let your nails soak for as long as possible.
Watch tv or something while you wait.
Try and keep them in for at least 15 mins.

When you get tired of them being in there take them out and
squeeze some lemon juice all over then nails.
Let this soak in for at least 10 mins.

Wash your hands

Take your 4 sided nail buffer that I mentioned in my
earlier post on nail care

Now put on some cuticle cream
( I recommend Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream)
& also put on a nice hand lotion.

You should give your nails a break from nail polish every now
and then esp if you are trying to brighten your nails.
If you must wear some - use a couple coats of basecoat & light colors.

Also - It will definitely benefit you to take a Iron
vitamin in general but esp. for this problem of 
yellow nails.

if you never see improvement - you might have an
underlying medical condition. Seek help accordingly :)

[Nails grow at an average rate of 
3 millimeters a month ( 1/8 inch)
Fingernails require 3 to 6 months 
to regrow completely ]

Be patient and eventually your nails 
will whiten and/or fresh 
new nails will grow out. 
& now that you've changed your habits 
they will be a normal color 
& little by little you can cut off the yellow part.

Good Luck !

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