Friday, April 1, 2011

Recommendations for Boredom

Here are 3 random things I recommend you to check out !

First - If you havent already checked out Beauty Crush on Youtube
then check her out ! She is so cute and makes fun tutorials : )
I like how fashionable she is & I love that she makes lookbook vids.
She makes me want to go to England right now and shop !

Second - Eat Pray Love

Yes I am extremely late but its fine with me. I have seen the film
loads of times but I was still interested in reading the book.
This is a rare occasion. I usually do the opposite.
But, I am about 3/4 done the book and I highly recommend it.
There is so much advice, good points and interesting
things to ponder in it. The way to have a truly happy
and peaceful life comes from within and this is what
the book explores.  I love how its broken up into
parts as well. You will see : )

Third - Secret Garden ( Korean Drama)

I dont want to say too much as you should see for yourself.
But, its such a fun and different drama. I shouted at the
screen, cried, laughed, got excited and gasped
over the episodes. I am currently on the last ep
and I cant wait to see how its gonna end...though I
dont quite want it to be over : (
P.S I watch it on dramacrazy

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